January 17, 2025

 The Newmarket Lions  prepared a meal for the clients of Inn from the Cold!

December 23, 2024

 Newmarket Lions Christiane and Marilyn brave the cold and drop of Christmas treats to the Newmarket Residence Nursing home!

December 19, 2024

 Newmarket Lions President and District A16 Youth Opportunities Co-Chair, Sylvia Brock present District A16 and MDA Peace Poster winner Chloe S of Hartman PS in Aurora with a plaque and a monetary award! Her poster came in 1st place for all of Ontario! Her poster is off to Chicago to compete in the Lions International contest! She will be competing against students from all over the world!

December 15, 2024

The Newmarket Lions annual Lunch with Santa Event served 508 people including 170 children!

December 12, 2024

The Newmarket Lions make a presentation to 2nd and 3rd place 2024 Peace Poster Contest winners  from District A16.

Allison W and Clara W both of Mazo de la Roche public school!

December 9, 2024

The Newmarket Lions acquired toys for children in a family shelter


November 19, 2024

The Newmarket Lions assembled and delivered 150 meal kits to the Newmarket Food Pantry!



November 8, 2024

 Another great Community Meal prepared by Newmarket Lions for guests of Inn from the Cold!



November 4, 2024

 A great presentation from Emily of the Alzheimer’s Society of York Region! Attended by Newmarket Lions and members of the public!

A donation was also presented!


October 12, 2024

 A very busy opening day for Coats for Kids!


October 8, 2024

 The Newmarket Lions donated books to Leeder House family shelter for their children’s library!


September 27, 2024

 The Newmarket Lions donated toothbrushes and toothpaste to Southlake Regional Hospital’s Emergency and Childhood Cancer Departments!


September 27, 2024

 The Newmarket Lions served up pancakes for Southlake Regional Hospital’s Paediatric Cancer awareness event! Lots of activities for the children including story time (with our own Lion Brigitte!) and visits from superheroes, Disney princesses, Star Wars characters, Batman and York Regional Police Heroes!


September 17, 2024

The Newmarket Lions donated $200,000 to Lions Camp Dorset for expanding  their medical facilities to allow more campers. Camp Dorset is the only Camp in North American for dialysis patients and their families!


August 31, 2024

The Newmarket Lions support the Food Pantry’s fundraising event at the local Farmers’ Market!

August 27, 2024

The Newmarket Lions deliver backpacks and toiletries to a family shelter!

June 14, 2024

The Newmarket Lions present Stouffville district secondary school student Jaathevan with the Don Campbell Memorial Scholarship for Blind/Low Vision students!

June 7, 2024

The Newmarket Lions Club at the Seniors Expo

May 27, 2024

The Newmarket Lions Club assembled and distributed 150 meal kits to the Food Pantry!

May 15, 2024

The Newmarket Lions Club was honoured by Pickering College with their Community Agents of Change award!

May 9, 2024

Lions clean up trash in George Richardson Park

March 26, 2024

Donations of toys and toiletries for the Emergency and Paediatric Departments of Southlake Regional Hospital!

March 23, 2024

District A16 Effective Speaking Contest 

     1st Place Senior  English

     1st Place Intermediate English

                 1st Place Senior French

1st Place Intermediate French

                   1st Place Junior English

            1st Place Junior French

Judges, Contestants and Newmarket Lions

March 2, 2024

Effective Speaking Contest for local students

The Newmarket Lions were honoured to welcome Aurora/Newmarket MPP Dawn Gallagher Murphy as a French language judge!

March 2, 2024

Effective Speaking!

February 15, 2024


Congratulations to Clara West from Mazo de la Roche PS for her 2nd place win in the District A16 Peace Poster contest! Beautiful artwork!

February 14, 2024

Receiving recognition from MPP Dawn Gallagher Murphy for Volunteer Appreciation week!

January 26, 2024.

The Newmarket Lions Club provided and prepared the community meal for clients of Inn from the Cold.

January 25, 2024.

Peace Poster

Lions District A16 Youth Opportunities co- Chair and Newmarket Lion,  Sylvia Brock recognizes Maple Leaf PS  2023-2024 1st place Peace Poster winner, Mahsa Noorsafi.
Masha’s Quote: “Peace is not only something to wish for, it is something to make and bring to life.”
2nd and 3rd place artists Shira and Larissa were also  recognized by the Newmarket Lions for completing beautiful posters depicting this year’s theme.

Masha-First Place

Shira with teacher Ms. Zimmerman


December 9-12, 2023.

The Newmarket Lions Club provided food vouchers and a free lunch with Santa for Newmarket families in need. Children under 12 were entertained with crafts and received gift bags. Adults received dental kits.

December 7, 2023.

Delivering Senior  gifts to MacKenzie Place and cookies, gifts and clothing to the Newmarket Residence Community Living Facility

December 4, 2023.

Assembling and delivering 222 gift sets to Southlake Village Seniors Home

November 28, 2023.

Preparing and delivering 120 meal kits and 30 celebration kits to the Newmarket Food Pantry!

November 10, 2023.

Preparing the Community Meal at Inn from the Cold

October 3, 2023.

Serving hot dogs at Maple Leaf Public School’s Community Information Night

September 22, 2023.

Serving pancakes to Paediatric cancer patients and their families at Southlake Regional Health Centre’s PJ’s and Pancakes event! Each child received a handmade quilt from Trudy Foster!

August 26 2023.

Serving fresh Ontario corn, donated by Farmers Market vendors! Voluntary donations were given to the Food Pantry

August 19 2023.

Sweatshirts and Sneakers event

The Newmarket Lions along with the North Newmarket Lions, distributed new or gently used sweatshirts and sneakers to families in need.


June 28, 2023.

2023 Blind/Low Vision Don Campbell Memorial

Scholarship presentation to Nicholas Doner!

May 30, 2023.

Assembling  and Delivery of  Meal Kits to the Food Pantry!


May 16, 2023.

Catch the Ace Lottery winner Mary Fraracci, accepting her winnings for finding the Ace of Spades! Mary won $107,062! Proceeds from the lottery went to support Southlake Regional Hospital’s Mental Health Unit and the Inn from the Cold Building Fund!


May 15, 2023.

A donation to the Inn from the Cold All In Fundraising Effort. Accepting the donation from Newmarket Lion President Don Gardiner and Newmarket Lion Kirby Brock, is Mayor John Taylor; All in Fundraising Chair, Ann Watson; Executive Director for Inn from the Cold and Former Mayor Tom Taylor


May 13, 2023.

Helping to plant trees with the South Simcoe Conservation Authority!


May 5, 2023.

Spring Giving Event- Food Vouchers delivered to large families in need. Thank you to John’s No Frills for your support!

April 25, 2023.

 Toiletry Kits assembled and donated to Leeder House family shelter.

April 17, 2023.

 A prentation by Lions Camp Dorset  Manager Jeremy Schumacher.

Camp Dorset is a family camp for patients of all ages who require dialysis.

For more information visit (Lion’s Camp Dorset (lionscampdorset.com)

April 1, 2023.

District A16 Effective Speaking Contest. Winners progress to the Provincials!

March 25, 2023.

Effective Speaking Contest for students in Newmarket in grades 4-12.

March 5, 2023.

Lions International Peace Essay winner, Newmarket grade 6 student,  Keaton Hamilton! Keaton presented his essay to the United Nations on Lions Day

The Peace Essay contest was created to give an opportunity for visually impaired young people to express their feelings of peace, the International Essay Contest is a staple of Lions clubs around the world. 

January 17-February 23, 2023.

Vision screening of SK students at several YDSB  schools!

February 2, 2023.

Delivering clothing to the adults at the Newmarket Residence.

January 27, 2023.

Preparing the community meal for Inn from the Cold!

January 20, 2023.

Congratulations to Keaton from Stonehaven Elementary school! The winner of District A16’s Peace Essay Contest. The contest was created to give an opportunity for visually impaired young people to express their feelings of peace, the International Essay Contest is a staple of Lions clubs around the world.

December 19, 2022.

Hats, gloves, socks and cookies delivered to the Newmarket Residence for vulnerable adults!

December 12, 2022.

Toys for the Paediatric Cancer unit at Southlake Regional Hospital

A variety of stuffed animals, games, crafts, video games and an Ipad were donated.

December 11, 2022.

Lunch With Santa for Families in Need

With help from many Friends of Lions, a lunch, photo with Santa, children’s gift bags and family food vouchers were distributed!

December 2, 2022.

Delivering Christmas gifts to Seniors’ residences

November 24, 2022.

Assembling and delivering toiletry kits to Leeder Place Family Shelter

November 11, 2022.

Preparing a meal for the Inn from the Cold Shelter

November 8, 2022.

Newmarket Lions Sylvia and Kirby accept the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Award from MP Tony Van Bynen

October 17-18, 2022.

Assembling and donating meal kits to the Newmarket Food Pantry!

September 22, 2022.

Donating much needed sweatshirts to the Newmarket Residence Group Home

September 9-10, 2022.

The Lions Clubs of Newmarket held their inaugural Sweatshirts and Sneakers Event!

Thank you to North Newmarket Lion Jeff Mayhew for allowing us to use his store for the event! Thank you to Dana of the York Regional Police for organizing the collection of sweatshirts and sneakers throughout her District and for sending officers to help us! Also, thank you to everyone who donated sweatshirts and sneakers!

June 16, 2022.

Congratulations to Bravina S. the Newmarket Lions Club’s very first recipient of our Don Campbell Memorial Blind/Low Vision Scholarship! Bravina’s parents, her Educational Assistant, Mr. Ramasamy and Ms. Kitazaki, YRDSB Coordinator, Blind/Low Vision and Deafblind Services were present to see her accept her scholarship! Bravina will attend Ryerson University in the fall to study Business Managment!

May 26, 2022.

 Feeding Students at Dr. JM Denison High School for their Relay for Life Campaign. They raised $49,500!

May 14, 2022.

 Tree Planting with Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority

May 11, 2022.

 Helping to keep our Community Clean  George Richardson Park

May 9th, 2022.

  A thank you from Southlake Regional Hospital!

April 23, 2022

The Newmarket Lions Club was able to resume the Effective Speaking contest for students from grades 4-12. Great speeches were given in both French and English!

April 4, 2022

Donating toys to Southlake Regional Hospital’s Paediatric Oncology Department

Photo taken in the Paediatric Oncology department’s children’s lounge that the Club had remodelled!

March 21, 2022

Assembling Meal Kits for the Newmarket Food Pantry

  February 3, 2022

Newmarket Lions pledge $50,000 to Mental Health

  December 15-18, 2021

Volunteers sort through over 200 bags of  winter clothing donated to our Coats for Kids program!

  December 13 & 14, 2021

Distributing over 330  food vouchers to families in need!

  December 13, 2021

Delivering clothing, hats, mitts, socks and treats  to a community residence.     


 December, 10, 2021

Delivering Christmas gifts and treats for staff to 4 seniors residences!

  November 19, 2021

Donating Patient Care packages to Southlake Regional Health Centre for new patients!

  November 9, 2021

Presenting our local Peace Poster winner, Daniel of Maple Leaf public school, with  a Certificate and a Chapters gift card!

  November 5, 2021

Preparing the Community Meal at Inn from the Cold!

  September 11, 2021

Week 10 Catch the Ace winner Ken Sargent, collects his winnings at the Farmer’s market, from Newmarket Lions President Rick Metcalfe.  This fundraising lottery supports Southlake Regional Hospital’s Mental Health programme!

The lottery runs until the Ace of Spades is revealed. You will find us at the Farmer’s Market or Canadian Tire on Saturday’s from 9-12! Visit www.catchthelionsace.com for more information or to purchase your tickets!

  Donation to Southlake Foundation April 23, 2021

Corinna Jones of Southlake Foundation receives a cheque from Lion Kirby of the Newmarket Lions Club to build Covid safe storage, purchase Covid safe toys and create a child’s mural in the Paediatric Oncology treatment room!

  Tablets for Margaret Bahen Hospice, March 22, 2021

Newmarket Lion Richard Poulin, Margaret Bahen Hospice director of care Tamara Henninger and director of development Jennifer Adams, Lion Megan Bennett, vice-president of hospice palliative care Carol Edward, Lion Rick Metcalfe, Margaret Bahen Hospice president & CEO Sonya Murray, and Lion Sylvia Brock are present for the presentation of 10 tablets for hospice guests on March 22.

Greg King for NewmarketToday

  Quilts for Paediatric Cancer Patients, March 22, 2021

Trudy Forster has been making quilts for the young patients at the Pediatric Oncology Clinic in the Stronach Cancer Centre. At present she has completed 36 quilts and hopes to complete 6 additional quilts a month to accommodate any new patients. The Newmarket Lions Club has partnered with Trudy to provide funds to purchase quilting materials to be used to make the quilts!

   Preparing the Community Meal at Inn from the Cold, January 23, 2021

 Christmas 2020 Santa Fund

This year the Newmarket Lions Club distributed 385 food vouchers to 1,200 Newmarket residents in need. Thank you to all of our generous supporters who made this possible!


   Tablets donated to Southlake hospital Paediatric Oncology unit, December 2020

   Tablets donated to Long Term Care homes, November 2020

Coats for Kids held a one day give away of winter clothing- October 10, 2020.

Community Clean up! June 20th, 2020

Support for Front Line workers at the Newmarket Health Centre

The Newmarket Lions held a parade on May 12 to show our appreciation to the staff at the Newmarket Health Centre,  Cars were decorated and drove by honking horns before stopping to deliver water and snacks for the staff.  Even during the Pandemic, the Newmarket Lions are helping our community.  Reach out to us if you have a need.

We are still helping our community where we can. $5,000 donation to the Newmarket Food Pantry

“During this pandemic, the Newmarket Food Pantry has seen a significant increase in the number of people needing their services and, at the same time, there has been a decrease in food donations, while expenses have increased due to their added cost of delivering the food to their clients,” Lions club president Sylvia Brock said.

“The Newmarket Lions Club made the donation to help the food pantry continue to deliver their necessary service.”

Read the Newmarket Today article 

Support for Southlake Front Line Workers

“We received a wish list from staff that included bottles of water, juice boxes, cookies, candy and other individually wrapped treats, individual packs of Kleenex, and Chapsticks,” Lions spokesperson Rick Metcalfe said. “The Newmarket Lions Club thanks the many emergency workers for the work they are doing in this stressful time.”

Click here to read the Newmarket Today article.

The Newmarket Lions Club delivered $3,500.00 of snacks and drinks to Southlake Hospital.

Newmarket Today article.

Good Afternoon Kirby,


I hope you’re taking some time to relax after all that hard work today. Adventure indeed!


I can’t thank you enough for this massive contribution. Because we fundraise too, we know full well how long and hard the effort is to coordinate a contribution like this. It’s the power of many, and multiple hands coming together doing the work and the willingness of community to partners to help as well. It’s a testament to the Lions that your group was able to secure so much in product on such short notice and deliver to the hospital for our staffs benefit. THANK YOU!


I have been speaking with our hospital partners at many times today discussing this much anticipated delivery, between the receiving the department and the department that manages distribution. I can tell you without a doubt that the need is there.


The people who run the wellness cart initiative, and deal with distribution reach about 600-800 people every time they go out with the cart. And without your delivery today they were anticipating to run out of supplies this week. I also alerted them that you had made flyers to go out with the cart goodies, they will also distribute your thank you flyers and  also put a 11×14 sign on the side of the carts with the message that the goodies being enjoyed over the next week or so were generously donated by the Newmarket Lions Club. I will also forward the information regarding the local stores who contributed to your cause as well. It’s not only important to us that we let staff know who they can thank, the staff are so appreciative they want to know where they can direct their own appreciation, so be prepared for much gratitude sent your way over the next little while.


I know you did your best to alert the media, thank you for doing your part. Like I said yesterday, we are in a very fluid situation with changes happening on the hour, I thank you for respecting the new policy regarding photos on site. That said. I’d love to see the photos you took, so send them along via email and I’ll have them out on social media and have you tagged so you can share on your social channels as well.


Thank you once again Kirby, please pass along my most heartfelt gratitude to all the Lions, you’ve always been there to help our community, and have certainly stepped up in this time of uncertainty and crisis. Thank you,






Aisha Talarico

Development Officer


Southlake Regional Health Centre Foundation

Effective Speaking 2020

                       The Newmarket Lions Club held its Effective Speaking contest on March 7.

Twenty six contestants participated in both English and French at the Junior, Intermediate and Senior levels.

Twelve individuals were selected to attend the District competition on March 28.   Congratulations to all participants.

Reading Action Meadowbrook PS 2020

The Newmarket Lions Club with assistance from the North Newmarket Lions Club, gave out free books to SK students at Meadowbrook Public School on Feb 20, 2020.

Reading Action Armitage Village PS 2020

The Newmarket Lions Club with assistance from the North Newmarket Lions Club, gave out 77 free books to SK students at Armitage Public School on Feb 18, 2020.


Winterfest 2020

Over 300 people were served pancakes, ham, juice, coffee for Winterfest on Feb 15, 2020.

The work crew is  preparing the meal.

The inside crew serving.

Vision Screening 2020

The Newmarket Lions Club with the assistance of members of the North Newmarket Lions club, has completed it’s whirlwind vision screening of SK public school children in Newmarket!

328 students were screened in 13 elementary schools. This is 62% of the Senior Kindergarten students in the schools we visited. This service is provided FREE of charge!

Community Meal Jan 2020

90 Guests were served Ham, potatoes, carrots, garden salad, and Nanaimo Bars and ice cream.

The crew is at work preparing the meal.

York Regional Police Dogs

The York Regional Police Canine unit celebrates 25 years and recognizes the Newmarket Lions Club.

In 1989, the York Regional Police Canine Unit was launched with the purchase of four purebred German Shepherds, donated by the Newmarket Lions Club.


Fast Program

Partnering with the Meadowbrook public school FAST programme for a trip to Chapters! Books donated to 23 children!

Newmarket Santa Claus Parade 2019

The Newmarket Lions Club, the North Newmarket Lions Club, and the Newmarket Lioness club participate in the Newmarket Santa Claus Parade.

Santa Lunch 2019

470 guests enjoyed a great lunch, crafts, gift bags and free photos with Santa Claus.

Christmas Cards for Seniors

300 Christmas  cards written and delivered to the residents of Southlake Village.


Santa Fund 2019

Food Vouchers were delivered to over 800 individuals in Newmarket.  350 vouchers were distributed for a value in excess of $16,000.00 for 2019. 

Coats for Kids 2019

The Coats for Kids distribution for 2020 is ongoing.  For 2019, over 1,500 coats were distributed as well as gloves, mitts, hats and boots.

The online newspaper published the following outreach:


Community Meal November 2019

Roast beef dinner is served for the November 2019 Community Meal.

Southlake Pancake Breakfast 2019

The Newmarket Lions provide a pancake breakfast in support of Southlake Pediatric Cancer.

Southlake Regional Health Centre June 2019

The Newmarket Lions remodelled the Paediatric Cancer Playroom